Hongxing Pan
IP Specialist
Hongxing has been with ULIXIR IP SERVICES INC. LTD. since 2019, and is now an IP specialist and head of support. Hongxing has worked in the IP area as a professional specialist since 2019 and specializes in managing expansive global portfolios for the clients in a wide range of jurisdictions globally directly/by working with our partner firms.
As part of Hongxing ’s role, she provides advice on management and organization of the client’s portfolios, and development IP strategies which meet commercial needs of the business. Hongxing is experienced in IP searching, filing, maintaining, patent annuity and title change etc. in a wide range of jurisdictions.
Hongxing has a academic background in Business English in GuangXi University for Nationalities

2019 – 2023 ULIXIR IP SERVICES INC. LTD Trademark and Renewal Specialist

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